Cheaper News

Australian Domain Names Heartbleed bug 11/04/2014

Important Announcement: As has recently been reported, the OpenSSL cryptographic software library has been exposed to a huge "Heartbleed" bug that leaves the memory and private keys of web servers vulnerable to attackers who may gain access to user information, such as usernames, passwords and communication. Cheaper Domains can confirm that it is totally secure and immune from this issue, having already applied safety patches to network infrastructure before the issue surfaced. The whole Total Internet network, consisting of Cheaper Domains, Discount Domain Name Services and Information Brokers, is comprehensively covered by the top safety standards. Cheaper Domains is committed to providing the highest level of security to its clients to ensure a total level of trust and care. As the first registrar to be accredited total ISS certification by auDA, it implements all necessary safety measures according to industry regulations to be protected at all times. That's the Cheaper Domains guarantee.
